It's that time of the year where florists work overtime, over-sized teddy bears are an acceptable gift and people celebrate everything to do with love. Whether you are married, in a relationship or single, Valentine's Day can be another fabulous reason to create that perfect drink for your special half or for your dearest friends. 

Start the day with this delicious and healthy Smoothie recipe. It's perfect to make in a large batch and will most certainly ensure your day starts off in the right direction. This recipe is soy-based, but feel free to use ordinary milk.

A Hearty Smoothie (servies 2)

2 cups of chilled vanilla soy milk (almond milk works well too)
1 cup of strawberry soy yoghurt
2 small ripe bananas
2 1/2 cups of mixed berries (can be frozen)
8 fresh strawberries
2 tbs agave syrup (or organic maple syrup)

1. Add all ingredients to a large blender and blend until smooth.
2. Serve in a tall glass and garnish with a fresh strawberry for that special touch. 

As lunch-time approaches, we recommend to kick off your plans with a delicious summer-style mocktail. Of course, this recipe can be adjusted by adding your spirit of choice (we recommend Gin, Vodka or White Rum for this recipe). 

Watermelon Lemonade (serves 4)

1kg seedless watermelon
Zest of one lemon
3/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup of mild honey (e.g. Sweet Blossom)
1 lemon

1. In a food processor, blend watermelon until smooth.
2. Strain watermelon through a sieve over a bowl, stirring to push through any pulp.
3. Pour juice into a large pitcher and add lemon zest.
4. In a bowl, combine honey and lemon until honey has dissolved, then add into watermelon juice.
5. Add 1 1/2 cups of cold water to the pitcher, cover and refrigerate until very cold.
6. Pour over ice and garnish with lemon slices. 

Notes: If you are wanting to add alcohol, measure 180ml of your favourite spirit and combine into pitcher. Stir well. 

Whether you have dinner plans and are wanting a pre-dinner cocktail, or if you are throwing a Valentine's Party at home, this recipe is the perfect mix of sweet and sour to impress any taste buds. 

Red and Rosemary (serves 2)

80ml Silver Dry Gin
50ml Lemon Syrup
60ml Lemon Juice
2 Raspberries
2 sprigs of rosemary

1. Add all ingredients into a Boston Shaker and top with ice.
2. Shake for 15 seconds and strain into a coupe glass.
3. Garnish with fresh raspberries and rosemary sprig.
